Tuxton is committed to Quality
certification for all applicable
Tuxton products
ISO 9001
standard for Tuxton
production sites
Tuxton has always set consumer satisfaction as its top priority. For years, Tuxton has implemented strong quality control procedures to manage and monitor quality both upstream (supply, production) and downstream (logistics, distribution and customer service).
About NSF Certification:
Tuxton is proud to announce that Tuxton Pro Cookware is certified by NSF International, a leading global independent public health and safety organization. As a leader in safety standards and quality, NSF International offers independent, science-based third-party certifications that show a company’s adherence to a benchmarked set of quality standards. To receive certification, Tuxton passed a stringent evaluation. To demonstrate a continued commitment to food safety and the quality of its brand, Tuxton has also agreed to annual unannounced manufacturing facility audits to verify ongoing conformance to the standard. To search for NSF certified food equipment, components and materials, visit: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/Food/.
TO: Valued Customers and Partners,
Several US states have passed requirements for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS have been used for numerous purposes in various consumer product industries for many years including: water repellency, heat resistance, oil / stain resistance.
However, recent studies have shown PFAS to have several concerning characteristics such as a strong resistance to breaking down over time, bioaccumulation in organisms, potential carcinogenicity, and endocrine disruption.
California Assembly Bill No. 1200: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1200
Tuxton’s products featuring DuraTux® Nonstick Coating listed below contain the intentionally added substance Fluoropolymer (PFAS) found in the Candidate Chemicals List published on the Department of Toxic Substances Control website (https://dtsc.ca.gov/scp/candidate-chemicals-list) as of December 1, 2022:
TUXCLAD nonstick frypans: WTCH-0701, WTCH-0801, WTCH-1001, WTCH-1201, WTCH-1401, RTCH-0701, RTCH-0801, RTCH-1001, RTCH-1201, RTCH-1401
TUXSTEEL nonstick frypans: WSCT-070, WSCT-080, WSCT-100, WSCT-120, RSCT-070, RSCT-080, RSCT-100, RSCT-120
TUXWARE nonstick frypans: WACE-070B, WACE-080B, WACE-100B, WACE-120B, WACE-140B
All Tuxton Pro Cookware and Private Label Stainless Steel products contain the below:
Substance | Substance CAS number | California Authoritative list where substance is cited | Link |
manganese powder | 7439-96-5 | ATSDR Neurotoxicants; CA NLs; CA TACs; CDC 4th National Exposure Report; CWA 303(d); IRIS Neurotoxicants; OEHHA RELs | https://calsafer.dtsc.ca.gov/cms/candidate-chemical/?rid=22077 |
Phosphorus | 7723-14-0 | CA TACs; CWA 303(d) | https://calsafer.dtsc.ca.gov/cms/candidate-chemical/?rid=22181 |
Nickel | 7440-02-0 | CA TACs; CWA 303(c); CWA 303(d); IARC Carcinogens - 1; NTP 13th RoC - known; OEHHA RELs; Prop 65 | https://calsafer.dtsc.ca.gov/cms/candidate-chemical/?rid=22080 |
Chromium | 7440-47-3 | CA TACs; CDC 4th National Exposure Report; CWA 303(d); OEHHA RELs | https://calsafer.dtsc.ca.gov/cms/candidate-chemical/?rid=22098 |
All Tuxton Pro Cookware and Private Label Aluminum products contain the below:
Aluminum | 7429-90-5 | CWA 303(d), CA MCLs, ATSDR |
https://calsafer.dtsc.ca.gov/cms/candidatechemical/?rid=22073 |
Under Colorado House Bill 22-1345 fluoropolymers, such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), are considered "Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances" or "PFAS chemicals", defined as “a class of fluorinated organic chemicals containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom” in the 2020 Colorado Revised Statutes Title 25 Section 25-5-1302 (7) (https://law.justia.com/codes/colorado/2020/title-25/article-5/section-25-5-1302/). The Tuxton products below contain intentionally added fluoropolymers in order to facilitate the nonstick properties of the pans:
TUXCLAD nonstick frypans: WTCH-0701, WTCH-0801, WTCH-1001, WTCH-1201, WTCH-1401, RTCH-0701, RTCH-0801, RTCH-1001, RTCH-1201, RTCH-1401
TUXSTEEL nonstick frypans: WSCT-070, WSCT-080, WSCT-100, WSCT-120, RSCT-070, RSCT-080, RSCT-100, RSCT-120
TUXWARE nonstick frypans: WACE-070B, WACE-080B, WACE-100B, WACE-120B, WACE-140B